Illustration of the homoeopathic remedy Bryonia alba, with key characteristics

Bryonia alba (Bry)

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Illustration of the homoeopathic remedy Belladonna, with key characteristics

Belladonna (Bell)

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Illustration of the homoeopathic remedy Arsenicum album, with key characteristics

Arsenicum album (Ars)

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Illustration of the homoeopathic remedy Arnica montana, with key characteristics

Arnica montana (Arn)

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Illustration of the homoeopathic remedy Apis mellifica, with key characteristics

Apis mellifica (Apis)

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Illustration of the homoeopathic medicine Allium cepa, with key characteristics

Allium cepa (All-c)

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Illustration showing a remedy vial and some species from nature

Intro materia medica

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